Thursday, December 16, 2010

Are you in love? Take the test...

     Are you in love?  Is it "real love"?  Most of us ask ourselves that question multiple times throughout our lifetime.  People ask me all of the time how they will know if it is "real love" vs. (for lack of a better word) "fake or unhealthy love".  What I know for sure is that real love is RESPECTFUL.  Your partner should treat you with respect and be nice to you ALL of the time, not just some of the time.  They should make you feel good about yourself & your life.  Real love is when you have an EQUAL partnership and no one is "in charge" of the other person.  You share the responsibilities of real life happily together- washing the dishes, cooking, cleaning, working, child rearing, etc.  Real love is based on HONESTY.  Your other half should never lie to you or cheat on you.  I firmly believe that once a liar & cheater...always a liar & cheater.  People generally don't change, just like a leopard does not change it's spots.  When you are in a healthy relationship, your partner shows you SUPPORT in whatever you set out to do.  They want to see you grow & become the person you were meant to be, not stifle you.   Real love is RESPONSIBLE  meaning that they have a job and are contributing to the relationship financially, emotionally, and physically.  They are responsible in their personal life, as well as their professional life.  If your girlfriend or boyfriend isn't responsible while you are dating them, then they will definitely not be responsible while you are married to them.  Again...leopards don't change their spots.  The best predictor of how someone will be in the future is looking at their present & past life.  Real love requires that person being your FRIEND, not just your lover.  You have to actually like them as a person, not just be head over heals blinded by love.  If you have those 6 things...then are in REAL LOVE!  xoxo

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